Soul Speaks… Poems from My Heart

(2 customer reviews)
@ Christina Scully

This was my first self published book.
I love writing poetry and after so many poems on pieces of paper and in so many note books I took a leap of faith and finally published some of my thoughts and words into this book.
I love to paint and added my art to enhance the poems. These words are from my Soul, as I walked in nature, or during meditation or some nights I couldn’t sleep with words spinning around in my head.
My family and nature inspired these words. I hope maybe some of these words will inspire you too 🙏


Seller Bio

Sold by: Christina Scully
  • Hi
I hope you are well and thank you for taking the time to read my bio 😊 I started writing poetry some years ago, just words that came to me out walking or during meditation, or while sleeping. From words written on pieces of paper, in several note books etc, after so much uncertainty, fear, self doubt, in 2018 I self published my first poetry book. Such a journey but I got there 🙏 This was a work of love titled Soul Speaks, poems from My Heart. I've always loved writing poems, I think I could write a poem about anything 😊 After reading my book to my two beautiful grandchildren TJ and Kiarraí, they asked me to write a book for them. My granddaughter struggled to sleep while I was minding them at night. I would make up a story about a magical little unicorn named Bella, and her adventures with her friends in the forest. My grandkids inspired me to have the courage to write my first children's book... The Enchanted Forest... The Adventures of 'Bella' the Magical Unicorn and Friends.   I grew up in Kildare with my family, brothers and sisters and to this day I still love my walks around my town, out in nature where I get inspired. I am a Spiritual person. I am  a Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioner/Teacher helping heal people using Rahanni Energy is such a beautiful gift I was blessed with some years ago. Rahanni has helped myself and so many others remove negative energy from the Mind, Body and Soul. It is a very gently but powerful healing. I am a very positive person, everyday I  look for the magic and blessings it has to bring. I'm very blessed to have been given a gift which allows me to write inspirational words through poetry, asking my Angels and Guides for help every step of the way . They have never failed me 🙏 If my words inspire or help just one person on their journey then I shall be eternally grateful I took the leap of faith and believing 'One Day ' I'll have book published 😊 My dreams came true... Never Give Up On Your Dreams, or Believing Your 'One Day ' will happen for you in Divine Timing 🙏 God Bless Christina  

Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Soul Speaks… Poems from My Heart

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  1. Brigid Clarke

    If you feel the need to unwind, or there are a thousand things spinning around in your head,get yourself a book called Soul Speaks, it is a beautiful book of poems ,about different topics and you can choose which ever poem suits you at that moment in time,also if you have children/grandchildren who you love reading to you should invest in a wonderful children’s book called The Enchanted Forest, by the same author Christins Friary ,your children will be whisked away to a magical world of Unicorns and Dragons,a must for boys & girls

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  2. Veronica Brennan

    A beautifully written collection of poems that has a message for all. Each poem has its own houmourous yet insightful message we can all relate to. Some of the verses made me simultaneously laugh and cry. I look forward to any new collection from the author in the future.

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    Soul Speaks… Poems from My Heart
    Soul Speaks… Poems from My Heart

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